Waiting To Be Bullied

Tai Yan knew that Di Jiu had invited trouble, yet he did not kick Di Jiu while he was down. He just opened his palm, took the second spatially-teleported item and said, "The second item is a material. Any cultivators who possess a flame should pay attention. This is a Geocentric Flame Crystal, a treasure that could upgrade a flame by two levels. The starting bid for this Geocentric Flame Crystal is 50 million high-grade Spirit Stones. Each bid increment should be more than 10,000."

By the time Tai Yan finished speaking, the price of the Geocentric Flame Crystal on the bidding panel had already increased swiftly. In a short period of time, the bid had exceeded 100,000. However, the increasing rate of the price slowed down afterwards.

Di Jiu did not participate in the competition for the Geocentric Flame Crystal. His original plan had been to obtain this material so he could upgrade his Dao fire by one level.