The Wooden Cauldron

Di Jiu broke through the restriction and entered the hall. He stood in front of Ji Ming's body and stared at it for a few minutes before coming to the conclusion that Ji Ming had been poisoned to death. It was ironic that the cause of death for a grade-eight Elixir King had been poison. However, Di Jiu was not surprised, as anything was possible in the Cultivation World.

Something was not right. When his Spiritual Force landed on the spot between Ji Ming's eyebrows, Di Jiu sensed a faint life-force aura. To be more accurate, this was the aura of a Principal Spirit, not of Spiritual Force. He was sensitive to the existence of Principal Spirits because he had fought with that powerful Principal Spirit female cultivator under the snowy mountain.

Although Ji Ming's body had been poisoned, his Principal Spirit was still alive.