A Change On The Prophecy Island

When Ji Ming realized that Di Jiu's attention was fixed on the wooden cauldron, he repeated, "Even though this cauldron has been handed down for generations, it has only a symbolic meaning. This cauldron has an extremely low success rate for elixir-refining, and it rarely successfully refines an elixir at or above grade-seven. The real cauldron that I use for refining elixirs is a Dharma treasure beyond the supreme-grade level called the Yun Cauldron. That cauldron has been stolen by Wei Lun."

"Do you know what the greatest treasure on the Cauldron Elixir Mountain is, Di Jiu?" asked Ji Ming.

"Isn't it the Creation Cauldron?" Di Jiu asked instinctively, He had heard this long ago.

Ji Ming laughed self-derisively again. "The Creation Cauldron is a wooden cauldron. It's actually the cauldron in front of you."