The Fifth-Stage True Form Youth

The auction on the Small World Planet Square would last at least two days. However, Di Jiu didn't plan on staying long. He would leave the auction house once he bought the Embodiment of Truth Fern Fruit.

He trusted that the Spirit Stones on him would be enough. Before he left, Huan Mingzi had given him another 200 million high-grade Spirit Stones that he said they had been given by the Star Mesh Mountain and the Heaven Medicine Valley. Although Yue Qiongyu from the Star Mesh Mountain and Xin Qilun from the Heaven Medicine Valley actually owed him 100 million Spirit Stones each, Di Jiu hadn't thought of getting them back. The price he had quoted was so high that everyone else didn't take it seriously, or rather didn't really plan on returning the 100 million Spirit Stones to him.