Sneaking an Attack on the Mirage Sword Sect

Within a short span of time, the price of the Embodiment of Truth Fern Fruit rose to 3,650,000 high-grade Spirit Stones. Although after this point, the people competing over it had decreased, the price was still jumping.

"10,000,000!" The mind-blowing price on the huge bidding panel made the intensive bidding stop instantly.

The value of the Embodiment of Truth Fern Fruit was high, yet it shouldn't be worth 10,000,000 high-grade Spirit Stones. This price was practically a prank.

When Di Jiu had competed for the True Dominion Genius Tournament qualification card earlier and the price had increased to 10,000,000 high-grade Spirit Stones, nobody had considered it too much. That was because nobody had had any use for the qualification card. Since they'd had no use for it, they hadn't cared if the bid was increased to 100,000,000 or if the other bidders had followed the rules.