You Are Overthinking Things

No one would link the death of a genius like Mei Bashan to the demon beasts within the Evil Beast Valley. Thanks to Mei Bashan's faction, he would not send Mei Zhiyun into the valley and let him get killed by the demon beasts residing within.

This statement stood true for other geniuses that belonged to major powers, including Mei Zhiyun. In the entire history of the battles that had taken place in the Evil Beast Valley, rarely had this group of geniuses been killed by the demon beasts, for they possessed techniques that allowed them to defend themselves and escape.

Since there was a 90 percent possibility that Mei Zhiyun had not been killed by a demon beast, he must naturally have been killed by a cultivator stronger than him. The points one obtained in the Evil Beast Valley were based purely on one's abilities, so they could not be faked.