I Guess You Have To Die Too

Before he finished talking, Di Jiu's Heavenly Aqua Saber had already whirled up a space-ripping saber flare. This green-colored flare wrapped around Bai Shaoxiang. He couldn't escape, no matter how much he wanted to.

A bloody mist burst into the air after the saber flare struck.

Mei Zhiyun had at least withstood a few of Di Jiu's moves. However, Bai Shaoxiang was killed in a single move before he even managed to take out his dharma treasure.

"You have killed Bai Shaoxiang…" said An Xiaoqi in disbelief as she watched Bai Shaoxiang's body disappear.

"Yes, I have!" Di Jiu chuckled.

An Xiaoqi's scalp was beginning to turn numb. She didn't believe that Di Jiu would let her off as she looked at him in fear. She had watched him kill Mei Zhiyun and Bai Shaoxiang so he would definitely silence her.