The Kick

The Teleportation Array was already open when Di Jiu reached the exit of the Evil Beast Valley. He didn't see the rest of the cultivators, so he thought that he had come later than the others.

In actual fact, amongst all those who had ever taken the test trial in the Evil Beast Valley, Di Jiu was the only one who had reached its deepest part. Most geniuses would remain near the entrance to wait for their chance. Only a handful of top-notch geniuses would venture into the middle-portion, purely for the sake of looking for the Illusionary Beast.

Then, Di Jiu stepped into the Teleportation Array and got teleported back to the Immortal Ascension Square.

Di Jiu scanned the area with his Spiritual Force the minute he landed on the Immortal Ascension Square. Less than 200 people out of the 500 that had gone in had made it out alive. The survival rate was less than 40%.