The Fist Move

Jue Zhan let out a sigh. Although he knew that he would surely die if he dashed out, he didn't want to live like that anymore. Since he would have to die anyway, he felt that he might as well try to deal a blow to Mei Bashan. This way, he would at least have done a little to avenge his family, even if it was just one slap.

Just as he was about to dash out, he saw that Mei Bashan had been sent flying after a kick from Di Jiu. Actually, Mei Bashan was flying towards him.

How was this possible? Di Jiu had really managed to…

Jue Zhan knew that this was not the time for him to wonder how Di Jiu had managed to do this. Instead, he quickly drew out the dagger that Di Jiu had given him and focused all his Quintessential Essence on it.

To his shock, Mei Bashan discovered that he had not only been sent flying by Di Jiu's kick, but he couldn't even make himself stop flying.