The Real Immortal

The Immortal City underwent great changes every single day as more than 100 cultivators built the city with a common goal and plan.

The cultivators building the Starry Sky Immortal City had seen too many Immortal Cities. Those Immortal Cities had been at most castles because a beginner-level Fortune Gathering Immortal Array could not set a large Immortal City.

However, the plan of the Starry Sky Immortal City revealed that it was not just an Immortal City, but a little Immortal Protectorate. Even a real Immortal City before the emergence of the Sunset Immortal World had not been as huge as this.

Countless streets with widths ranging from a few feet to ten feet cut across the city in an extremely organized manner. The city was a concentric circle with the City Lord Manor situated at its heart. On the two sides of the streets were commercial buildings, cave abodes, and inns.