The Starry Sky Immortal City

Di Jiu preferred to go without something than accept a shoddy option. He wanted to build a home, so he would never allow murder to happen in the Immortal City. He would not lower his requirements, even if no one wanted to leave with him.

The remaining 123 people were all willing to enter the examination array. Di Jiu's array was meant to discover whether the cultivator had lied or used other cultivators' Blood Essence for refining. Anyone who had refined the Blood Essence of other cultivators would be detected the moment they entered the array.

As long as one was willing to enter the array, they would answer tough logical questions and the fluctuations of the candidate's aura would be tracked. This was meant to identify any cultivators who had murdered others for their treasure. Although it was not guaranteed that all unsuitable cultivators would be identified by using this method, few cultivators would get away without being exposed.