A Fleeting Moment

Peng He was entrapped by Zhong Ao's Confinement Killing Array. In this moment of confusion, he realized that Di Jiu was running towards him. He was ecstatic, as he only needed to kill Di Jiu.

Peng He reached out with his Demon-Sealing Claws but he immediately felt an extremely intense oppression. The space he was in froze. An Immortal Essence hand squeezed his neck as he heard Zhong Ao say, "Di Jiu, your Domain is insufficient. If I do nothing now, you could at best injure him, even if you are inside this Confinement Killing Immortal Array. Quickly, kill them all and wrap this up. I don't have the time to play with you."

Bam! A blood mist exploded. Peng He had actually transformed into a mass of Blood Qi in Zhong Ao's hands and disappeared.

"Eh? Is that the Spatial Blood escape technique? Seeing this escape technique in this place is impressive!" exclaimed Zhong Ao, as though he did not mind that Peng He had escaped.