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"Brother Di, this has nothing to do with me. Bai Ye from the New Moon Commercial Building and Sect Master Xiling Yuanyi from the Buzhou Immortal Sect were the ones who instructed Jie Guangmao to pin your two friends to the gates of the Gigantic Tripod Liberal Immortal City. It is something I had no control over. Brother Di, you should know that I have to do something when someone attacks the Gigantic Tripod Liberal Immortal City's Defense Array. I am the City Lord after all!" shouted Mi Ji almost as soon as Di Jiu killed Xiling Yuanyi.

In truth, he had already stopped attacking the Confinement Killing Immortal Array, as its level was simply too high. There was a small possibility of breaking the array open if everyone united.

However, everyone was acting by themselves, attacking places on the array at will. Such an act would not be of much use short-term.