The Origin

Upon hearing Di Jiu's words, Xuan Yushu showed that she understood and immediately raised her hand to set up a few noise-isolation restrictions around them. Then, she said with a chuckle, "That's right. Not only is Yueshu the most beautiful person in the Heavenly Moon Sacred Dao City, but there is also no one like her in the entire Great Ultimate Realm."

After she said that, she lowered her voice subconsciously. "It is almost impossible for any male cultivator to not remember Fairy Yueshu after seeing her. However, I suggest that you just look and ask. Forget her. Otherwise, you will only get hurt in the end."

Surprised and puzzled, Di Jiu asked, "Why is that?"

Xuan Yushu pointed outside. "You should know the Heavenly Moon Sacred Dao City Lord, right?"