Why Are You Asking Around About Me?

Di Jiu was puzzled. Ren He's father, Ren Jisha, was the Hall Master of the Moon Traverse Divine Hall and was comparable to Dao Integration experts. Would Ren He himself even suffer from Qi Deviation when he had attained Primordial Chaos? This was weird, no matter what.

"After that happened, Ren Jisha didn't ask Fairy Yueshu forcefully?" Di Jiu asked again. He knew that Xuan Yushu had some doubts about Yin Yueshu. Otherwise, she would not have just told him to only have a look at her and not remember her.

Xuan Yushu shook her head while saying, "No. After that happened, Hall Master Ren left the Heavenly Moon Sacred Dao City with his son. I heard that he went to look for the Two-Realm Flower. Only the Two-Realm Flower can treat Ren He."

The Two-Realm Flower? Immediately, Di Jiu recalled that he had a pair in his Ninth World. If Ren Jisha was willing to exchange the Sun Core for them, he definitely would not be stingy with the Two-Realm Flowers.