Temporarily Canceling the Battle

"Daoist Di, the Lost Dao World is merely a sealed space. Since we are all stuck here, we should work together. The most important thing now is finding the way out. Both you and City Lord Shang are apex experts. If you engage in battle, the geography of this world will be destroyed. That would be meaningless. There is no great enmity between the two of you so I feel that it would be better if all of us could sit down and have a chat about how we could leave this place," suggested Huang Peng amicably as he cupped his fists before Di Jiu with a warm smile.

"Leaving the Lost Dao World" was just empty words. If he knew the way out, he would not have been there.

Then, Huang Peng turned to Shang Huijue and cupped his fists. "City Lord, I believe that this is not a big deal. Daoist Di is new here, and it is normal for people's ideologies to differ. Why don't we all let go of any prejudices we have and brainstorm together? What do you think, City Lord?"