The Green Lotus of Creation

Mu Lianqi's gaze swept across the body before he told Di Jiu, "I'm done now."

Di Jiu nodded, carefully putting Nong Xiuqi back into his Ninth World. Then, he cupped his fists before Mu Lianqi. "Big Brother Mu, can the Two-Realm Flower save her?"

Mu Lianqi said, "Your wife must have burned her soul, so she logically should have already passed on. If my guess is correct, you fed her some kind of apex treasure that contains a massive amount of life-force. Therefore, she is still alive and her life-force is slowly recovering."

Di Jiu immediately understood and knew that Mu Lianqi was telling the truth. His understanding of medicine was indeed top-notch, or he would not have known that Nong Xiuqi had burned her soul with just one glance and Di Jiu had fed her the Divine Quintessence.

"However…" Di Jiu's heart skipped a beat when Mu Lianqi said this word. He clenched his fists tightly as he looked at the other man.