Silver Lining (2)

Jun Wu Xie had not given the Embellished Wooden Bead much thought as it was an item meant for a ring spirit's use, and she did not have use for it.

But on this night, the bead had reacted queerly. The bead which had been usually cold started to radiate out waves of warmth. Jun Wu Xie put the bead within her palm and under the light from the torches and the moon, she could actually see faint and light trails of mist emitting from the Embellished Wooden Bead. The mist was very faint and you had to stare very hard before you could even see it. The faint mist spread over the herb bed before Jun Wu Xie and covered the herbs bit by bit.

Suddenly, Jun Wu Xie's eyes brightened as she felt a significant increase in the spiritual energy that flowed into her body.