Silver Lining (3)

It was at a slower pace than when she had absorbed in the Lin Palace, but under the current restricted circumstances, the spiritual energy that was made available after the Embellished Wooden Bead's amplification had Jun Wu Xie pleasantly surprised.

With the Embellished Wooden Bead, her development of her spiritual powers would not be slowed much within the period spent in the Qing Yun Clan anymore!

Picking up the Embellished Wooden Bead from Little Lotus' tiny hands, Jun Wu Xie felt that the bead was still emitting a slight warmth, and suddenly, a charmingly demonic face appeared in her mind.

At that moment, Jun Wu Xie froze.

"Jun Wu Yao….." The words came out of Jun Wu Xie's mouth in a barely audible whisper as she hung her head and a frown formed on her face.

Why had she suddenly thought of Jun Wu Yao?