Lure the Tiger Away from the Mountain (1)

In the next few days, Qu Xin Rui did not send anyone to go invite Jun Xie over and Jun Wu Xie was able to enjoy a few days' peace.

This day, Jun Wu Xie woke up bright and early and she received news that Qing Yu brought in to her.

"Young Master Jun, the Grand Chieftain would like to invite you to make a trip to the Grand Chieftain's Residence. He said he has something he wants to discuss with you about." Qing Yu said as he stood in front of the door to Jun Xie's room, but not daring to take a single step inside, as in that room at that moment, a great demon lord sat.

Jun Wu Xie was smoothing out Lord Meh Meh's wool and suddenly hearing Qing Yu's words, she lifted her head and asked: "Qu Wen Hao?"

"That's right." Qing Yu nodded.