Lure the Tiger Away from the Mountain (2)

While still struggling in his mind, Xiong Ba had upon getting a clear view of the person who just came in, immediately stared with his eyes so wide, they almost popped out of his head. He then said in utter disbelief: "Grand Chieftain? Why….. Why are you here….."

Coming towards the Fiery Blaze Clan Hall, was not anyone else, but the one who should be at the Grand Chieftain's Residence waiting for Jun Xie, the Grand Chieftain of the Thousand Beast City, Qu Wen Hao!

Qu Wen Hao's complexion was rather pale and his demeanour seems rather different from usual. He came walking with his face dark and gloomy to stand right before Xiong Ba.

Xiong Ba immediately exclaimed: "Didn't you invite Jun Xie….. Argh! It's Qu Xin Rui! That Qu Xin Rui sent fake news! Quick! Send someone quickly to bring them back!"