Comparing Purple Spirits With Me? (2)

[It was little wonder that Jun Xie dared to be so overbearing being right in the middle of the Condor Country's Imperial Palace's main hall, it must be because of the six Purple Spirits who had been standing behind him all this while!]

[Under that highly lavish guard, who would be able to touch a single hair on his head?]

At that moment, the Condor Country's Emperor could no longer make himself maintain the smirk on his face. He stared at the six Purple Spirits standing behind Jun Wu Xie as he thought back to all that he had said in ignorant glee earlier and how he wished he could swallow back all those words he had uttered earlier!

Even with Elder Huang there with him, how could one Purple Spirit stand against six Purple Spirits?

The Condor Country's Emperor who had just earlier been filled with glee was suddenly reduced to become like a frightened little chick as his hands began to tremble.