Comparing Purple Spirits With Me? (3)

Elder Huang forced himself to maintain a calm and composed front, struggling to convince himself to not take offence with a insect in his eyes. Although the Twelve Palaces were termed collectively as the Twelve Palaces, each individual palace held no affection for the other. They all feuded among themselves incessantly, and coexisted peacefully only on the surface.

As the young Emperor had been chosen by another palace to cooperate with, those people would not hesitate to fight him to protect the young Emperor. Unless Elder Huang had water in his brains, he would not truly fall out with Jun Xie in this situation.

With the way things stood, he had already said those words earlier and no matter what he did now, it would end up slapping himself across his face. At that moment, Elder Huang was extending his greetings to all eighteen generations of Jun Xie's ancestors in his heart.

[This little kid was just despicable to the core!]