One Day Tour of the Tomb (1)

The enormous stone door was not completely shut but was left slightly ajar with a tiny opening. The gap was very small, just about two fingers' width and not enough for a person to pass, but at the bottom of the stone door, some faint depressions could be seen. Those depressions were only about the thickness of hair strands looking like they left behind by something that scraped against it.

"This is where that Hell Rodent burrowed itself out from?" Drunk Lotus asked with a eyebrow lifted up. They had only been within the pillared corridors all this time and besides this stone door, they had not seen any other exit. The Hell Rodent was a ring spirit and could not have appeared out of nowhere. From the look of those tiny scratches, they must have been left behind when the Hell Rodent squeezed itself through this gap.