One Day Tour of the Tomb (2)

Jun Wu Xie then closed her eyes slowly, looking as if she had fallen asleep.

Very soon, the little black cat stood up from Jun Wu Xie's lap and with a slight shake of its body, it walked before the stone door.

Poppy and Drunk Lotus stared with their eyes slightly widened, looking in surprise at the little black cat whose demeanor had completely changed. Unable to put their finger on it, they were suddenly overcome with the feeling that their MIstress had somehow turned into that little black cat who always felt like it deserved a thrashing!

"Guard me properly." The little black cat turned its head, and said to Drunk Lotus and Poppy.

That voice and its tone, was exactly like that of Jun Wu Xie's!

In an instant, the two ring spirits were stunned and they could not do anything to react but to stare at the little black cat's lithe and seemingly boneless body slip itself into the tiny gap in the stone door.