
After dinner, Xander and Jackie got on the bed.

"Good night, Darling~"


Xander was surprised by her furtive attack. How can someone simply kiss the Emperor?

Firstly, why the Emperor is sleeping with someone he don't even knew!

Does he consider himself a gigolo?

It must be because he has no choice.

But, who cares.

Jackie slept, but, Xander was thinking:

'While sleeping, she is kind of cute, and this golden hair, I've never seen this before. Her body is well proportioned, even more than my ex-wiv-wait! Heavens! The normal human body hormone is terrifying! It's been so long I didn't feel like this.'

He was not sleepy, so he stood and, again, a piece of paper fell off his body.

'Good morning, Emperor. It's the me again, how's going there? Fun, right? I will contact you everyday at midnight through paper.'

"Just this? He has nothing more to say? Like, warn me that there are people who can kill me because I didn't call them by name? Shameless."

Frustrated and not sleepy, Xander meditated all night.

The next day.

Jackie said that she needed to do something, so she wasn't home. While Xander was pondering about something, the doorbell rang.

What a strange sound, he thought.

Opening the door, he saw a unknown man, with a package in his hand, he asked Xander to sign a paper.

He didn't know what to sign, so he just wrote something and received the package.

Opening it, he saw a black mantle, a book and one letter.

"What's this for? This is like the mantle that those Darkness Sect people used."

Leaving aside the book and the mantle, he opened the letter and words flew out.

The words danced in the air before transforming into the letter's content.

'I am forgiving you, my son, we need to talk. I've sent a dark cape and the addres in the book, you need to come back, we are in a tight situation. If you are not here till august, don't consider yourself a Enlightened.

"My 'father' sent this? It seems that my situation is not that simple. I'm pretty sure that those words were filled with magic. I need to have a talk with Jackie, she's hiding something from me."

Jackie came back after three hours, holding bags of canned food and other supplies.

After she saw the book and the mantle on the table, she became surprised.

"They found us! Darling, we need to go to another place!"

Xander gave her a suspicious look.

But then, she remembered that he lost his memories, and had to make a different excuse.

"Darling, we need to move out, this city is too dangerous. I already talked to your boss, and he fired you, since you lost your memories."

Of course, it was all lies.

"You are hiding something from me, why can't you be sincere?"

"Me? Lying to you? Nonsens-"

"You're making a funny face."

After a moment of silence, she said.

"I didn't mean any harm, I just thought it was a good oportunity. When you lost your memories, I had the chance to always be with you."

"Are not we in a relationship?"

"Yes! But you would go back to your family one day, and then, we would not see each other."

Jackie was almost crying when she said that.

Xander was feeling conflicted, but asked.

"And in the case that I was lying about my lost memories? Wouldn't my trust in you be destroyed?"

"I knew it was true since you woke up calling me 'woman'"

"How? Just because of this?"

"No, the main cause is your aura. A person's aura is made by his memories and mental state. Your aura when you woke up was different from the previous night. Your mental state couldn't be damaged, so it was only your memories. I was afraid to ask, so I was acting normally. But when you said that you didn't know who I was, I was shocked and sad, but it was a oportunity to build all of it again and forget your past, because your past was your curse and-"

"That's enough. I understand that you care a lot about me. Let's leave it aside for the time being, tell me more about my past, why is my father contacting me, and do you know about magic?"

Feeling conflicted inside, Jackie said.

"Your past is a little problematic, I don't know every detail, but you told me the overall situation. Your father had five sons and one daughter, you were the youngest of the six. Your family is the oldest family of magicians of the entire europe, but, when you were just a child, an incident happened and all of your siblings and some other family members ended up dying. This made your family head, your father, crazy. You were the only one who survived, and this made him even crazier."

"Wait, so he blamed me because I survived? That's unreasonable!"

"That's what everybody thinks. But your father is very powerful, it can even be said that he is the most powerful in the West. That's why no one could be against his decisions."

"So, because of this incident, he is trying to kill me? That's why you said we needed to move, so he can't get his hands on me?"

"No, you are his last son, even though he blamed you, he wouldn't kill you because of this."

"Why am I running from him, then?"

"We are not running, I mean, not until three years ago. It happened ten years ago." Jackie sighed. "He expelled you from the family because you couldn't use magic, and magic is the main strengh of you family, as well as the main business."

"I can't use magic, so he just expelled me, that's somewhat reasonable. Which type of business he could have with magic?"

"You didn't say anything more, just that it was a dirty business."

"There's one more thing, Jackie." Xander said with a serious face. " What happened three years ago for us to run? After seven years he decided to kill me?"

"It was...because you saved me."