
At the same time that Jackie was talking, on the other side of the world, three people wearing a black mantle were flying, chasing someone.

"Where's that annoying girl?! If we not catch her, we will be doomed!" said the one on the left.

"Shut your mouth! We all know this." said the one on the right, rage all over his face.

"Let's split our ways, she can't be far from here." said the one in the middle.


"So, you are saying that because I saved you, they are trying to kill me? Why is that, did you do something that shouldn't be done?"

Jackie was hesitating to answer, but when she realized that Xander was still Xander, she didn't hesitate anymore.

"I...was a slave. I should have been sold in the black market. You should be just an ordinary man, but three years ago, your father wanted you to go back, and you accepted. He came in person to bring you back, and when you two were going back, someone from the black market offered a slave with a good body to train magic, and..."

"That was you." Xander was looking at Jackie with a pitiful expression.

"Yes. At first, you didn't care about me, but..." Jackie hesitated one more time.

"What is it? What happened?"

"In the middle of the trip, your father was attacked by an enemy group, there were tens of them, and your father's group had five people, including us. The other two men were normal people, the only one who had real strengh was your father. But, I guess no one could have power to destroy an entire group of enemies that could use magic easily, even if he is the strongest one."

"The moment he saw that the situation was not good, he left you for those enemies, and me too."

"He...abandoned me with the enemies to keep himself safe?"

At this moment, Jackie couldn't see the look in his eyes, but she was sure he was heartbroken

However, suddenly, he let out a big laugh.

"HAHAHAHA!" He was laughing nonstop.

Jackie was perplexed, why is he like this?

After he stopped, he said.

"I'm sorry, Jackie, I could not control myself."

"Darl- Xander, this is not a funny thing, your father abandoned you, you should be-"

"Sad? I don't think this way. I've changed, you know? Matters like this, I should laugh at them. People say that I am a good man, honest and generous. I think that's true. If I can help others, I will. I f I can't, I won't, it's simple. But when people do something harmful to me..."

In the middle of the sentence, he looked at her and said.

"...I need to laugh. Laugh at the tragedy that their lives will become. I am a generous man, that's right, but enemies...enemies will be crushed till they become nothing. That's how I became the Universal Emperor, never let your enemies step on you."

"Oh, right, finish the story."

There was a surprised look in Jackie's face.

"You was not like this before."

"I said that I've changed."

"...Okay. Where I was? Oh, right. When he abandoned us with the other two people, I think he expected that they would kill us, and they tried, but the other two mages that were with your father knew some magic, so we had a chance to run. But, thirty people against two is impossible, so they died first."

"There was thirty of them, no one reached us? How fast are we?"

"Hmm...thinking about it, it was really strange. They kept running behind us and launching magic, there were a lot of chances too, but they never reached us. Now that you said, it is strange."

"Maybe they didn't wanted to kill us. As for the reason, I don't know." there was a doubtful look in his eyes.

Remembering something, he asked.

"And how I saved you, if they didn't catch us?"

"As you know, I was a slave, and I was bought because of my talent in magic. I had nothing, no place to sleep, no money to get food, but you sheltered and gave me food, that was enough at that time."

Till here, she was calm, but suddenly, when she remembered those things that happened, her cheeks were scorching.

"As time goes on, I had some feeings growing up inside me, things happened and we became a couple, that's all."

"A love story, is not it? But you didn't told me why my father wanted me dead."

"That...he discovered, after some time, that you were alive. I don't know the details, as I said before, but it may be because of his reputation. If someone discovers that he abandoned his own son to keep his life, the head of the strongest magician family would be ruined, he would turn into a joke."

At this point, almost everything was clear. Why Jackie was his girlfriend? Because he saved her. Why is he running from his own father? Because he wanted to kill him. But, there was one thing which Jackie didn't told him.

"Hey, Jackie, one last thing, why people call you Jackie, and not by your real name? Is that because people are hunting you?"

"Hmm? No, you gave me this name, you said that it suits me better than Sophia."

"Can we change it again to Sophia?"

"Why? I liked this name, but if you want, that's okay."

"Okay then, Sophia."


She gave a big smile that even the ex-Universal Emperor became stunned.


"Damn it, Harrison. How could you let that stupid kid go?!" a man in a white suit shouted through the phone.

"But, boss, that stupid kid is your daughter, we can't catch up to her without hurting her, and we can't hurt her, 'cause if we hurt her, you will beat us!" said one from the trio that separated themselves to search.

"....Find a way! That stupid child will make me go crazy aaarrrggghhh!"

Suddenly, another phone rang, it was another from the trio.

"Found her?!"

"Yes, sir! But, she is threatening to use the teleportation magic, and if she uses that, we won't be able to catch her anymore!" said Harry with a desperate tone.

"You idiotic bastard! Just use your Prison Chain to lock her up!"

"But, sir, she will feel unconfortable, is this okay?"

"...No, don't use it." He was worried that it would harm her, what a good father.

"What do we do, then-Ahhh, she's going to teleport, boss!"


"Ah, she's gone, boss."

"....Hmmm....You three idiots, Harry, Harrison and.. what was the other one?!"

"My name is Bob, sir."

"Why one is Harrison, the other Harry and the last one Bob? Whatever. Find my daughter, even if you have to move an army, I will give you three months. If you three don't find her in this period, your heads will roll!"