

I woke up to voices as a tree quietly pulled me into a bush while telling me to hide. Not understanding I did as the tree said and looked in the direction the voices came from. "What happened Keen?" A very attractive... Elf? said. He was on the back of a very large white horse that almost matched his very blonde hair. His cold blue eyes scanned the area.

"I'm not sure master. The men and I saw it perfectly fine just a while ago and we came to inform you immediately. This.. doesn't make sense." Keen said while scratching his head in confusion. His hair was blonde as well but not like his"master". "Unless someone drank from it..." his master said in a growl. Keen looked nervous as he tried to think of something. Master was terrifying when he was upset.

His master has been looking for this for years and when they finally found it he knew that master would be happy. How could someone slip in and drink it while they were informing master? If he got his hands on the one who did it he'd kill them! "Keen, search the forest. If you find the one who drank from the tree... kill them. I hope you don't screw up again." He doesn't even look at Keen as he turns around and leaves on his horse. "Yes master," Keen says.

My hand trembles as I keep my mouth covered. Kill? All because I drank the water? Or was it because it was now destroyed? I didn't do it on purpose! The old tree... I need to find out what's happening. "Keen, look at the footprints." One of the men says as Keen walks over. "They couldn't have gotten far... Follow the prints and bring them to me. Be careful this forest is dangerous." He said as he turned to look in my direction. I try not to breathe as his cold gaze moves over everything.

I slowly slip off my shoes and run as quietly as possible back to the old tree. " Old man!" I hiss under my breath as I make it back. "What on earth is happening? I drank the water like you told me but the whole thing started crumbling! And now I have Psycho one and two out to kill me!" I say huffing and puffing. I looked around in panic as I hear them get closer.

"Calm down and listen to me little one. What you drank is live water and holds unthinkable power. The light fae has found a way to find it and if he had gotten it he would destroy anything and everything in his path. He must not get it. I felt them coming while you were sleeping. You are definitely human little one so I have no idea what it will do to you but I knew it would save your life so I'd rather you have it. I have seen your soul little one and it is pure. Protect this power Syn and it will protect you. With the water now gone, we are losing our power." The old tree said while pulsing to the other trees. They pulsed back in response.

"Wait, wait I don't understand old man. What power... and what happens when you lose your power?" I ask in fear. They are getting closer. The old tree seems to grow in size as he says "Run Syn, as fast and as hard as you can until you leave the forest. Keep running until they can no longer get you. You are a good human Syn and I will always think of you as a friend. I wish I had more time with you and sing together one more time but things have turned out this way. We will show you the way out and we will do our best to hold them back but we don't have much power left so hurry!" He places what looks like a small seed in my hand as he yells "RUN!"

Startled I turn and run. Sure enough, the trees part as I run. I hear the fae scream "There!" as they start running after me. I kick it up and run with everything I have. I hear the trees popping and snapping as they try and hold the fae back and my heart breaks at the sound. Rocks and sticks have my feet bleeding but I push past it and run for my life. I noticed the trees are no longer able to move as fast and their stems are catching my arms and legs as I run.

My lungs burn as my heart threatens to beat out of my chest. I still hear them but thanks to the old tree I've been able to put some distance between us but I don't slow down. If I ever thought I was dead this right now proves that I'm not. My legs burn as I now have to run and jump over the tree branches. They were losing power and I was losing time. My heart clenched at the thought but I pushed it back to deal with later. I suddenly see the edge of the forest and the cries behind me are closer. How are they so fast? Duh, fae.. remember Syn? I run with everything I have and push myself even harder.

I'm getting closer and so are they. The trees at the edge of the forest were all coming together to form a wall with only a small opening. The old tree... I ran at neck-breaking speed as the hole grew smaller and smaller. I knew my only chance was to get out before it closed up entirely. Almost there and I heard Keen yell "Stop her!" I didn't even turn to look, I didn't have to. I knew they were right behind me. I could almost feel their cold breath on the back of my neck. I jump through the opening right as it closes and roll to a stop on the other side.