

After telling everyone the same story and after going through a small exam I was finally able to see Jay and Kat. Fig Jumped down from Jay's shoulder and climbed up to mine and rubbed against me. I lift my hand and pat him gently. He couldn't come with me so he had to stay with Jay and he was not happy about it. We went back to my place and we told Kat everything. I thought she would freak out but she was just angry I hadn't told her sooner. I'll never understand Kat. I told Kat and Jay goodnight and made myself comfortable on my couch with Fig.

"Fig.. I'm worried there are more supernaturals here." I say looking at the dark TV screen. He looks at me then back to the bowl of Cheetos before saying "I've never been here before but I can tell there are definitely other supernaturals here. Why are you worried?" He sniffs the Cheeto puff and pulls one out taking a small bite. His round little eyes light up and he devours the puff before grabbing another. Sighing I say "I thought that if I came back here I would be able to get away from all the supernatural stuff... no magic and no... Rune. If others are here.. that means he can come here right?"

I look over to find Fig in the bowl of Cheetos completely buried. His white fur was now an orange color and both his cheeks were full of Cheetos. "I have no idea what this is but it is now my favorite!" He said around the food in his cheeks and went back to eating. I smile and shake my head and say "You can have them all but you didn't answer me. Can Rune come here?" He swallows and stops to look at me and says "He's a powerful dark fae prince Syn, He can go anywhere he wants but maybe he won't come here. I mean.. what are you to the fae prince?"

I think about what he says and nod. I'm no one to Rune and he's busy with more important things. The chances of him coming here are slim to none. I relax a little as my new phone I got chirps. I pick it up and see it's from Leon. Leon is the owner of the club I DJ at and in a way he's kinda like my boss. We didn't hang out but he was a young attractive man with a lot of money. He was secretive and kinda kept to himself most of the time but he was always really nice and he pays well. I smile and send him a text back.

"Get cleaned up Fig. You're gonna see the place I work at and maybe see me in action." I say heading to my room. Fig's little head popped up from the bowl and he says "Yes!" I laugh and get dressed. "Just remember not to talk okay?" I yell from the room and I hear him clearly as he says "I knooow." I smile and wonder what I did all this time without him. I don't know what I would do without him now. He was a part of me and the thought warmed me.


The club was in full swing and even though I should probably be home resting I loved my job and it helps take my mind off of things. I walk up the bouncer named Bruce and see him do a double take the same time I do. Bruce wasn't human but I don't know what he is. I really need to do some homework on supernaturals. "Syn.." Bruce says uncertain. Bruce was always really nice to me and watched my back so I decided he was a good guy.. supernatural. "Hey Bruce," I say smiling and he smiles back and lets me in with a nod.

The club was full of life and different supernatural's powers washed over me. Sure they are lots of humans but a good amount of people here weren't. I look around in wonder. I was completely unaware of all this as a human. This was insane. "Syn.." I hear a low smooth voice and turn to find Leon. His power hits me and I take a step back. He was powerful and it was close to the feeling I got from Rune but different. Fig stiffens.

I take a deep breath and look at his intense grey eyes watching me as he gives me a dark grin. "I was worried Syn. I'm glad you're back and even better." The last part made me a little uneasy. I try and shake the fear crawling up my spine as I think about how nice Leon had always been. I smile uneasy and ask "What are you?" Before I can react I'm against his hard chest as he holds me to him. His hands wrap around my waist as he leans down to my neck and takes a deep breath saying "You smelt good before Syn but now you smell divine. I'm what humans call a Vampire Syn. It's nice to finally meet you. You and your new friend." I can feel him smile against my neck and I shiver. Well shit..