
Surprise Part Two

Leon!? What was he doing here? I push myself through a few people and when I see one of the guards about to pull his sword out I quickly say "Wait! Wait, he's my guest!" The guards surrounding Leon all pause and look to me with confusion. Leon's face smooths out and he gives me a small smile when he sees me.

"What are you doing? Leon is my guest back off!" I finally make my way to Leon and give him a hug that he returns only after hesitating for a moment. "We have our orders Lady Syn.. No one is allowed to enter without a prior notice from our lord especially a Vampire." The guard says Vampire with distain and I scowl at him.

"Well tell your "lord" that if he has a problem with my friend he can come see me personally." I stare at the guard waiting for him to say something else but the guard is smart enough to swallow whatever other complaint he had and gives a stiff nod. I give them all another hard look before I grab Leon's arm and pull him away.

Leon lets me drag him away and when I find us a quiet place in the large library I turn and say "What are you doing here?" He looks at me from head to toe before giving me a small smile and says "What, are you not happy to see me?" I return the smile and his grows. "No, I'm really happy to see you here. It's nice to see a familiar face but I'm just wondering what made you come here."

His smile falls a little as he says "I was worried about you Syn, you said you didn't want anything to do with this stuff and the next thing I know you left with him. I just want to make sure you're okay." He was now looking at me seriously making me feel slightly guilty but also making my heart warm at the thought of him worrying about me.

"And if I had been taken against my will? Were you planning on charging in here all alone to break me out?" I say with mirth but it quickly disappears when he says "If you were taken against your will I will stop at nothing to bring this whole place down and break you free." I cough and say "I didn't come here against my will Leon, I came here so I can be safe. Ryder got way too close last time."

"You can come to my coven Syn. I can promise to keep you safe." Leon says moving closer. "She's not going anywhere Vampire." Rune growls before shifting in next to us pushing Leon back and putting himself between Leon and I. Leon snarls and Rune returns it and my heart drops. "Stop! Stop it both of you. Leon, I'm not here against my will and Rune I'm not going anywhere so please stop!" I say in panic.