

Keen walks through what seems like a maze making it nearly impossible to remember how we got here, that and my head was still spinning. Keen pushes me in and slams the door shut locking it behind me. I look around the small dark room with a frown.

There was a small bed on one side and a... chamber pot on the other. Are they serious!? I walk closer to get a better look and wonder if I'm gonna be the first one to use it or not.. Vain? Yes, but they wanted me to use a pot! I sigh and walk over to the bed. It's not great but at least the sheets look clean.

I slowly sit down looking at the one floating magic stone giving off a small amount of light that doesn't quite reach the dark corners of the room giving everything a creepy look. This was just great.. how did this happen and why can't I feel my magic? Fig jumps down and runs to the door as if reading my thoughts he says "The whole room is warded.. that woman who was standing next Ryder was a witch.. a very powerful witch."

My eyebrows come together as I try and piece things together. "So it was her who brought me here?" Fig jumps back on the bed and crawls into my lap nodding his head. "As far as I know witches are extinct.. they were killed off in the great war.. this changes everything." He says in worry. I gently stroke Fig to calm his nerves.. well maybe my own.

I try racking my brain on the information I read on witches but it wasn't much. I try and call my powers but I get nothing. I try harder.. to feel anything and sweat breaks out across my forehead. "Syn... no matter how hard you try it won't work.. not with that witches spells." Fig says in a small voice. I place him on the bed and begin pacing back and forth.

I run my shaking hands through my hair as I try to think. This was the exact reason I wanted to learn to fight! I'm no better than a puny human without my powers! Calm down Syn and think.. they didn't kill you and even placed you in a cell... they need you for something.. think. I look over to see Fig pacing back and forth on the bed mirroring my own pacing and I can't help the small smile that slips out. At least I'm not completely alone..