
Meeting Again

After the women finish drying and styling my hair they add what looks like precious jewels. They then let Fig come back to me and I quickly scoop him up holding him in a protective manner. His little body shook and my anger spikes again. I take deep breaths trying to keep my cool. I know all too well how these women can flatten my ass in a heartbeat.

I look to the large mirror in front of me and I'm shocked at the reflection that looks back at me. It was me.. but not me. I looked like a beautiful, dark seductress... I shiver and worry again why Ryder is doing all of this. Can't he just kill me and get it over with? This is ten times worse..

Okay that's a lie.. I don't want him to kill me but you get the point.. The older woman grabs my arm and drags me back to the door where Keen impatiently waits. He looks up saying "It's about damn.." But his words quickly cut off when he sees me. He looks at me from head to toe with a blank look before he snaps back and sneers.

"Maybe you're not completely useless." He says with an evil smirk and grabs my arm with force draging me away. I'm so sick and tired of being manhandled!! I try and pull my arm away and he tightens his grip causing me to bite my lip in pain.

After a while of walking we come to another room and Keen pulls me to a stop before lightly knocking on a large dark door. "Enter." A deep smooth voice says and I stiffen. I recognize that voice.. Keen opens the door and drags me along. Ryder is sitting next to a large window reading something. The setting sun catches his super blonde hair making it look silver and I shiver.

Ryder looks over and his ice blue eyes take me in. He looks at me from head to toe but his face shows nothing. His eyes go to Keen's hand on my arm and says in a bone chilling voice "Touch her again and you'll lose your hand." Keen drops my arm like it burned him and bows. "Leave us." Ryder says while looking at me. Keen doesn't look up as he quickly leaves the room leaving me alone with Ryder. He slowly stands putting the papers in his hands down and says "Welcome to your new home.."