
The Pit


I freeze and hold my breath listening for whatever I heard to move again. I take a small step back as Fig leans in closer to my neck and I hear it move again. It was so dark in the pit that I could barely make things out but as my eyes start adjusting to the dark... I see it. My hand flies to my mouth to keep myself from making any noises.

I would say it was human but it crawled on all fours and it's joints were too large.. Where it's eyes should have been were completely empty making it blind. It's skin looked grayish black in color but I could be wrong.. It tilted it's bald head listening... then it started sniffing the air. My entire body was shaking as tears threaten to spill.. I suddenly feel like I'm in a horror movie.

I back up against the wall as the creature starts making a low clicking noise. It's searching for me... Suddenly I feel something crawling on my arm and it takes everything in me not to scream. A large spider crawls up my arm and the tears break free. Fig quietly and carefully crawls down my arm and flicks the spider away making me eternally thankful.

Fig quickly crawls back up and leans in close to my neck digging his little claws in almost painfully. I slowly take a step to the left while watching the creepy creature in front of us. I get about three steps before I step on something crunchy. The creature's head whips around clicking and taking deep breaths. I hold my breath again and wait while silently praying.

I see it's abnormally long hind legs bending lower and lower and my heart races. It suddenly jumps at me opening it's large mouth full of sharp blackish looking teeth and I jump away nearly tripping as I take off running at full speed. Fig holds on for dear life as the thing resembling a human sized grasshopper crawls after us screeching. I have no idea where I'm running to but at the moment I don't care.

As I run I catch a few spiderwebs and feel different bugs crawling and falling on me. I swipe at myself brushing the bugs off as I blindly run down a long hall before finding a door. I don't hesitate as I run to the door opening it and slamming it shut behind me. The creature hits the door screaming in anger causing me to jump.

I fumble for a lock and nearly cry out in joy when I find one. I slide the lock over and step back as I watch the handle start to move. It has hands... making it easy for it to open the door. My chest hurts from my heavy breathing and pounding heart. I lift a shaky hand to my hair and pull it back as I try to catch my breath. Fig slowly starts to relax but only a little as the creature becomes even more angry that it can't open the door.