
The Pit Part Two


It suddenly becomes quiet as the creature stops shaking the handle and beating on the door. The deafening silence that follows is almost worse. I finally look away from the door and start looking around the large room. I could only make out vague shapes from a distance but I stay still listening.. waiting.

When I can only hear Fig and I's heart pounding I start taking slow, soft steps forward. I can hear something like water dripping as I walk farther into the dark room and wonder if Fig and I can find the source. I have no idea how long we'll be down here so we need a way to get water. The longer I walk the louder the dripping became. We were getting closer..

Fig's little body started to tense up again causing me to stop. "What is it?" I whisper softly. Something makes a slithering noise and I jerk my head over looking for the source. After not hearing anything else I slowly walk forward and I suddenly feel the water dripping directly on us.

Fig grips my ear and whispers "This isn't water!" I reach up to the wat... er.. whatever it was that dripped on my face and pull my hand back to see it was a slimy gooey substance. I look up to find hundreds if not thousands of what looks like eggs... Shit...

My heart nearly shudders to a stop when I make out body remains mixed in with the egg sacks. When looking closer I saw that the bodies were feeding the eggs.. Small little tubes were stuck into the bodies as whatever was in the eggs sucked and fed on them. Perfect...

I take a slow step back and something hisses making me freeze. I look up again to see what looks like a humanoid looking centipede. Well the only human looking thing was it's eyes. It's mouth was way too large and the head connected directly to it's long thick body full of legs. Hundreds of legs...

The face kept still as it slowly uncoiled it's long slimy body never once breaking eye contact. I take another step back and say "I'm going to need therapy if we make it out of this alive.." I hear Fig gulp and start shaking again. It freezes and for a second I think it might have understood me but the moment of hope was quickly lost when the thing smiled at us with yellow sharp teeth that looked like it belonged to an angler fish. As it gets closer I realize to my horror that the sharp uneven teeth are hallow... making them straws.. perfect for the large creature in front of us..