
The Pit Part Three


It lunges so I twist out of the way but slip in the process because of all the slime and goo. I land hard and Fig almost flies off but manages to hold on as I try to stand but something grabs my leg flipping me over on my back and dragging me to the large mouth creature. It's eyes flash with joy as it stretches it's mouth wider.

The creature tries to bring my leg into it's mouth so I use my free leg to kick it in the face as hard as I can causing it to scream out in pain as it releases me. I look to my now bare foot and realize that my heel on my high heel shoe was now stuck in the creatures face. I quickly kick off the other shoe as I turn struggling to my feet and I try to run. I curse as my feet fail to find enough traction as I slip and slide in the goo. The creature screeches again as it grabs my waist slamming me up into the nest of eggs.

Even as it releases me my body stays within the gooey mess. I struggle against the goo and find myself loosening but the creature notices and slams it's large body into me crushing me further into the gooey mess. I feel hard pieces stabbing my back and sides. I shudder when the smell hits me. I'm pretty sure I'm in someone's chest cavity... I try to block it out but a thought suddenly crosses my mind.

I grab for the bones stabbing my sides and pull with everything I have and cry out in joy when I hear a snapping noise as it breaks free. It wasn't the best weapon but it was something. The creature pushes against me again nearly crushing me. Fig who was holding on to my hair suddenly lets go with a war cry and attacks the large creature biting and scratching it.

I can no longer breath in with the large creature crushing me so I waste no time in flipping the bone around so the part I broke off was facing out. At least this side was sharp.. I reach back as far as I can using all the strength I have left giving out a war cry of my own as I stab the creature. It screeches out in pain as it's body pulls away. Fig jumps into my dress right into the low cut front.. Huh, the dress does come in handy.. who knew?

I suck in air chasing the dark spots away from my vision as I start struggling to get down again. I feel the goo slowly releasing and I feel a ray of hope spread through out my trembling heart. Fig swings out of the front of my dress but holds the edge as he starts pulling with everything he has swinging back and forth.