

I tighten my grip on her as my mind races.. As pieces begin falling in place making more and more sense I feel myself shaking my head in denial. Wait.. just wait.. "Why do you think you're dying?" I ask in confusion. She gives me a bitter, sad smile and stands up wrapping her arms around herself.

"I think it happened when I was fighting against Ryder and the Witch.. I felt like something inside me snapped.. and then my world went dark. After that I continued to have issues with using my powers and now I can't use any at all.. Fig.. he's smaller so everything happens sooner for him. He wouldn't even wake up Rune. That's why I went to the cave.. and that's when I met with Nexus."

I remain rooted to my seat as I felt like my soul trying to leave. She sat on the other chair across from me and continued "Nexus could feel my powers and my life slipping out of me and told me what was coming but I kinda already knew what was happening deep down. Nexus gave me more time... he couldn't fix this but he did help. Now I'm trying to find a way to fix this..."

I lean forward bracing myself on my knees as I try to wrap my head around what she was telling me.

"I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want to hurt you.. I didn't want to worry you over something you couldn't help me with. I'm sorry..." I raise a shaky hand in her direction telling her to just wait.. just let me understand the words she's saying.. this can't be happening.. there must be a mistake.

I look back up to her to find her watching me with pain.. I try several times to say something.. anything.. but nothing will come out. Was I mad? No, not even close. I was scared.. scared of losing her and scared that I can't do anything to stop this. I suddenly jump up and pull her into my arms in a fierce hug. I just found her.. I can't lose her.

"Listen to me.. We will get to the bottom of this okay? Let me talk to a few people first before you go to Leon okay? There has to be something that can be done okay? Just take it easy.. wait no. Let's go to the healers and see if they can do anything okay?" I see her give me a sad smile but she nods her head and says "Sure."

I clench my fist and feel like punching something.. I really should not have killed Ryder so quickly. I should have made him suffer... I scoop her up after she grabs Fig and shift to the healers. I will stop this... Even if I have to become a god to stop her death.. then so be it. I won't let her die.. I can't let her die. I pace the healer's room as they do their best but I can see it on their faces.. it's not working. Nothing is working..