
A Plan?

After the healers failed to help Fig and I we decided to try Leon. I know Rune wasn't keen on this idea but I pretty sure he's willing to try anything at this point. Rune was scared to bring me back to the human world so he had Leon come to me and the second I saw the handsome Vampire walk through the door I began to smile.

"Not that I'm not happy to see you all again but what was so urgent that you had me drop everything to come back?" Leon says with a smirk and Rune returns it with a sneer. They will never get along. "It's good to see you again Leon.. I was wondering if you would be willing to hear me out for a little bit?" I say in a small voice.

The smile on Leon's face fades and before I could finish blinking he was in front of me taking a deep breath. His eyes flash and he looks at me with concern "Syn.. why do you smell like death?" I do my best to smile but I can feel how stiff it is. "That's what I need to talk to you about.."

Leon looks to Rune then back to me before nodding his head and sitting down. I take a deep breath and tell him everything without leaving out a single detail. He never once looks away or even blinks.. "This is why I've called you.. I don't know if you're even willing but I feel I have no other option but to ask.. Would you be willing to make me.. you know.. a Vampire?"

I see Leon's eyes flash but he quickly hides it and Rune begins pacing the room. I know this was making him uncomfortable but we were really left with no other options. Well I could still sell my soul but I'd rather die than do something like that. "If you were just human I would have no problem doing that but.. I don't know if it would work with the way you are now.." Leon says as his face scrunches up in thought.

Rune stops and looks as if he's going to say something but then begins to pace again. I bite my lip and say "I understand that this might not work.. but would you be willing to try? At this moment.. I have nothing to lose by trying." I look to Fig and his little sleeping body and fight against the wave of tiredness that pulls at me. "I'm running out of time.." I say in a small voice and Rune rushes over scooping me in and into his lap.

He rubs my back in a soothing manner as Leon gets lost in thought. After a few moments of silence Leon says "I can try.. But I can't make any promises. IF this does work.. you and I will be forever connected.. is that something you two would be comfortable with?" I feel Rune tense but it doesn't last long.

"If it saves her life.. it's a small price to pay." Rune says with determination and I feel my heart squeeze at his words. I know this is killing him and I hate that I can't fix it.. I hate that I have no control over any of this. Leon nods his head to Rune.

"Then we will do this tonight. I need to prepare a few things and I want to warn you.. If this does work.. you will be a Vampire Syn. There's no going back after this. And you will have to stay with me for some time after you change.. to learn and grow strong enough. Do you understand this? Do both of you understand this?"

Rune and I look at each other and a million words are passed between our eyes. His look softens and he lays a soft kiss on my forehead saying "It's alright love.. no matter what you become, you will always be you and I love you. I will always love you and we will get through this." I lean into him for support and steel myself. I turn to Leon and say "Let's do this." Leon gives me a small smile and nods.