
A Game Of Hide And Seek

Lilith had pretty much everything planned out and quite honestly she can be down right evil when she put her mind to it. She got me a red skin tight dress that was so short it nearly showed my whole ass but it was hot.. and it fit like a second skin.

She left my hair down but gave me lush, large curls with lots of dark make up. Looking at the amount, I was a little afraid that I would really look like someone who came back from the dead but I was worried for nothing. It was dark, sexy and mysterious. The blood red lipstick was the cherry on top pulling everything together neatly.

I turn giving her a full view and she gives me an approving look. "This look will definitely be turning heads and not just his... give him a little bit of his own medicine so to speak." Her grin is pure evil and I can't help but giggle but the giggle gets stuck in my throat.. Lilith smells good... really good... Yummy good...

I stumble backwards and cover my nose.. no way... NO WAY! Was this the Vampire thing coming through!? Lilith looks at me with confusion but then I see the shock. "Syn.. your eyes... are you.. Vampire?" My panic grows and I turn back to the mirror. Sure enough my eyes had changed. One green and the other red.. what the hell did this mean?

My panic was very obvious and Lilith steps closer saying "Calm down Syn, it's okay. Whatever this is we can handle it. When a Vampire experiences blood lust their eyes will glow red but only one of your eyes are glowing. Do you feel like you can control yourself?" I think about it for a moment and realize that I can. Yes, I found that Lilith smelt good but I don't want to eat her.. well drink her blood. So maybe it was okay.

When we were doing everything to find a way to save me we expected something like this... this isn't all bad. Would I have to drink blood to survive now? I shake my head and decide that going to Leon's was the best thing to do. Rune was there and so was Leon. Leon would have answers to all this and we'll get to the bottom of it.

I shake myself out of it and say "I don't want to suck your blood.. yes, you smell good but I don't feel like it's anything I can't control. Either way... I need to talk to Leon.. he'll have some answers." I hope... Lilith looks relieved and nods saying "Good.. let's get this show on the road. Remember to have a little fun.. he's been kind of an ass lately so he deserves it."

I grin at Lilith and say "Don't worry... I will have my fun... especially after all the "fun" He's been having lately. It's only fair." We both giggle and make our way out. Tonight was going to be a night to remember.. I can just feel it. Whatever has changed in me has given me an edge I never really had before and I liked the feeling.

My blood boiled with the thought of a hunt.. with a chase.. yes, I'm really liking the idea. I feel the small part of me that feels a bit more violent and I slip into it with ease. I feel myself grow a little stronger and I smile. When I look back to the mirror I see my green eyes looking like emeralds. I never seen my green eyes so bright and green.. Vampirism definitely has it's perks.

Looks like Rune's in for a treat.. a big treat. I turn back to Lilith and we grab everything we'll need as we make our way to the indoor portal. The closer I get.. the more my blood boils... this will be interesting.