
A Game Of Hide And Seek Part Two

Lilith and I made our way into the club and because the bouncer by the door was new, we lucked out. I knew the club from the inside out so we kept to the outside and in the shadows. I didn't want to be seen by Rune or Leon and his men.

We made our way over to the bar by the very end and I felt the club like never before. I smelt all the humans but it was the fae and other super naturals like the Vampires that smelt even better. Was that normal? I leaned in close to a fairly attractive human male and even though he smelt good... he didn't smell GOOD. It was just meh.

I frown but tuck the bit of info back for later. That will be something I'll have to ask Leon about. I refocus and it doesn't take long to find him. Rune was dressed in all black and was surrounded by woman... all very attractive women but it seemed like he didn't even see them. He just keeps knocking back drinks.. I still find myself becoming angry.

I try to shake it off knowing that the only reason he was here was because he thought I was dead and I had been "dead" for two years. I slowly make my way to the dance floor and I smile when I see the men take notice. Fae and human alike move in close as the music flows over us in a sensual wave. I lean into the man behind me not really caring who it was and look up and over to Rune.

He was still knocking back drinks as a VERY busty woman leans over whispering something into his ear and my blood boils with anger. "Rune..." I whisper and to my amazement his golden eyes look up and lock onto my now green eyes. I saw the change.. his eyes were empty.. seeing without really seeing but then a light flashes across those dead eyes and they were now locked on me.

The light intensifies and he sits up causing the woman leaning on him to fall over. I give him a dark smile and when someone walks in front of me I disappear, moving further into the dance floor. I look over so see him franticly looking for me and I slightly smile. Sorry Rune... It's a little pay back.

I allow another man slip in behind me as we sway back and forth to the music and when I look up I find Leon looking right at me, watching everything from an eagle's eye view. He lifts his glass filled with a very dark red liquid and gives me a warm smile. I return the smile and when I look back I see Rune was up and walking closer to the dance floor.

"Rune.." I call again and watch as his head snaps in my direction but I move again, careful to stay out of his golden sight. I was enjoying this a little too much but I feel like this would be good for both of us in the long run. I realize I like the hunt and when the pray feels as if it's the one doing the hunting... that or the pray really was the predator. Both excited me and this new part of me. My smile grows and I'm careful to touch everyone I pass.. I knew he would be searching for my scent.