The Challenge(3)

In short, objects with profound yin were evil.

It absorbed the pneuma of humans.

In particular.... its favourite was to savour the human blood.

Once any objects with profound yin got in touch with human blood, the profound Qi will go berserk.

And that was exactly what Ye Qing Luo was hoping to achieve.

The moment the evil sword entered the berserk mode, even if Ye Qing Ling hadn't lost her Profound Jade Heart there was no way that she could control it.

"You are playing foul!"

Ye Qing Ling had been warned by Ye Qing Qian previously that one must strictly abide the rule of not letting her blood to be in contact with the evil sword or the consequences would be severe.

At this point, all she could do was watch her blood being consumed by the evil sword as she panicked.

Ye Qing Luo caressed Qi Qi tenuously: "Foul? This is my war pet and I am using it to assist in my battle, what's wrong with that?"