The Challenge(4)

Everyone felt a chill run down their spine.

The Overlord Di Mo Xuan was treating this challenge as a game?

What they have seen quaked their hearts.

Especially now when the long sword in Ye Qing Ling's hand had gone completely violent and there was no way to stop the emerging Yin energy from it.

Could it be that..the Overlord did not worry about the safety of his own disciple?

"But….. if things goes out of hand, I am afraid Seven Miss might get hurt….." the master replied with concern.

Di Mo Xuan raised his eyebrow slightly and looked at him with a soft glimmer in his lucid eyes.

"It's alright, it is merely an evil sword. Ah Luo can handle it."

The fluttering voice of the overlord continued, "If she fails to triumph, this Lord will take care of it."

Everyone: "…..."

The Overlord to take care of it?

Would the Fourth Miss still have a road left to live?