Feed you till you’re full! (2)

"Sigh, I really envy Bai Ruoli, she's really got such a good life! She actually has such a handsome and strong man like Senior Brother Li as her fiancé! Ah ah ah, why would a top quality man like Senior Brother Li get engaged at such a young age?"

"Why don't you even think about what kind of innate talent does Bai Ruoli have? Based on her looks and personality, earlier Young Master Yuan couldn't wait to marry her back on the spot. For Senior Brother Li to fall for her, isn't that very normal?"

"What? How can Young Master Yuan even be compared to Senior Brother Li?? Didn't you see what happened earlier? Based on power, Young Master Yuan couldn't even handle one move from Senior Brother Li. As for status, even Young Master Yuan's father have to bow down to Senior Brother Li! As for looks, there's no need to even compare! I have never seen a second man who is as handsome as Senior Brother Li!"