Feed you till you’re full! (3)

Huang Yueli was caught unaware by that piece of ribs and as she had no way to flare up, she chewed hard on that ribs, thinking of swallowing it down and continuing to give that man beside her a good scolding.

Who knew that after she chewed a few mouthfuls, her eyes suddenly lit up, "It's really tasty!"

Li Moying's lips rose upwards as he felt pretty delighted.

He knew it… his little fox was a little foodie and was just too easy to please…..

"Since it's tasty then have some more!" Li Moying took another piece of ribs for her.

This round, Huang Yueli was much more obedient as she continued to chew on a few more pieces of ribs.

Li Moying looked at her cheeks chomping like a little squirrel as his smile became deeper, "I cannot let my wife go hungry!"

"Cough cough..."

When he said that, Huang Yueli immediately choked and held on to her chest and she coughed for quite a while.