Food Reserve (9)

When the Extreme Frost Giant Eye Octopus heard Huang Yueli's words, its eight eyes rolled back as it almost fainted on the spot.

Initially, it thought that Huang Yueli wasn't prepared to kill it on the spot because she was planning to let it go.

Who knew that Huang Yueli had actually grasped the Devil Clan's contract seal technique and even planned to use this method to sign a contract with it!

This was not a joke. If it really signed this contract, it would forever be the slave of this damned girl from the God Clan in front of it, and it would never be able to turn over a new leaf!

Furthermore, what made it feel even more chilly was that Huang Yueli had said that she had contracted with it because it looked 'very delicious'!

This... What kind of description was this?

Thinking of how Huang Yueli had drooled at it earlier, the little thing felt a chill rising from the bottom of its heart.