Food Reserve (10)

Unfortunately, its wish was destined to never come true.

Huang Yueli took out the notes left behind by King Xiang and casually swept a few glances before stretching out her hands and started to form a seal.

Her hand speed was very fast. In just a dozen breaths, she had continuously changed a dozen hand seals. Moreover, each hand seal perfectly reproduced the contents of the notebook without any mistakes.

In less than 15 minutes, she successfully contracted the despairing Giant Eye Octopus and made it her contracted beast.

Huang Yueli raised its tiny body up to her eyes and said happily: " That's great! I've finally contracted my first Devil Clan fierce beast. It's truly a cause for celebration! Although you're just a reserve, since you're the first one, I still have to give you a name. You'll be called... Octopus! Husband, how about this name?"