Jaw Dropping Shock (2)

That exquisitely sculpted and perfect face was enough to make people remember it once they saw it.

Xuan Jiuling recognized it at a glance.

"You... Are you really Huang Yueli?!"

Hearing Xuan Jiuling's voice, Huang Yueli smiled," Lord Divine General, so Jing Shaoyuan didn't lie to me. You're really on the city gate tower? That's good. Please open the city gate and let us in. On the way here, we've stayed up all night without resting."

Xuan Jiuling's heart was filled with astonishment. He frowned, unable to understand what was going on.

He had also heard about Huang Yueli and Li Moying's elopement.

However, how did these two people run into the fiend race's territory?

If it was to train himself by fighting the demons, he could totally join the alliance army directly?