Jaw Dropping Shock (3)

Furthermore, Huang Yueli had no way to explain to Xuan Jiuling and the rest.

The little phoenix had not disappeared earlier or later, but it had disappeared when others needed the little phoenix to prove it. Who would believe her explanation?

Moreover, Little Phoenix had always been her trump card. Now that her trump card was gone, she could not tell others about this matter and expose her own shortcomings. If she really did so, it would definitely be courting death!

Xuan Jiuling was on the city gate tower and when he saw Huang Yueli's hesitant look, his heart thumped as he secretly felt that things were not good.

Could it be that Huang Yueli below…Was it really fake?

He even had to be careful. Otherwise, the entire You 'an City might have been buried by him…