Elder Huan Versus Third Prince

"Besides using Retired Emperor to oppress people, what else can you do!" On the one hand Huan Ming Xiang took a stance while on the other hand, he glared extremely angrily at Baili Jia Jue. "Stinky fellow!"

Baili Jia Jue slipped off the smiling expression he had just now and emotionlessly said. "I can do much more. For example, tell everyone your identity."

"You!" Huan Ming Xiang's top was blown off as he gnashed his teeth. "What in the world are you planning!"

Baili JIa Jue smiled, a trace of evilness penetrated the bones. "What can a pretty boy like me do?"

Once the two words 'pretty boy' were spoken, Huan Ming Xiang seemed as if he was choking and he coughed fiercely.

"Very good." Baili Jia Jue continued to say, his voice neither cold nor warm. "It seems that Elder Huan hasn't forgotten that you've started a rumor about me being a pretty boy."