The Competition Starts

Early morning of the next day, a gentle breeze blew.

All of the students as well as teachers were gathered at the middle of the academy, uniformly dressed in black robe over white gowns, indescribably magnificent to look at.

At this moment, the judges were gathered at their seats. Tusu Feng smiled as he looked at those young faces below, when his refined eyes fell on Helian Wei Wei and company they shined with a deep meaning that only he understood.

Sitting by his side was none other than the one who's always been absent from White Academy, Master Tu Lao. He smiled slightly as he stroked the white beard on his chin and laughed. "Hehe. Really brings back memories. When I was young, it's during the interacademy competition that I found out that compared to martial qi, I'm more of a match for armaments. Looking at them now is like looking at me when I was younger. Time really spares no one."