The Honored Sir Started To Regret

"Em... Emperor?!"

There was no doubt, only that man would have such a breathtaking handsomeness, and a murderous aura that could rock the sky and shake the sea.

How did he come here?

He has already fallen from heaven.

It's impossible for a demon who has fallen from heaven to have direct access to Buddhism.

Why is he here?

All the Buddhas looked at each other with pale faces. Before they could even attack...

A swishing noise sounded!

The man's silhouette vanished from the stairs.

In the blink of an eye, Baili Jia Jue was already grabbing one of the Honored Buddha's arm in his hand.

Suddenly, a powerful gale roared wildly over Buddhism.

In mere seconds, the demons behind Baili Jia Jue grew triple in size.

In the past, nobody from Tian Dao or Buddhism could defeat him, let alone now.